Friday, June 20, 2008

Paying back the debts

I remember King David taken Uriah's wife and killed him. And the Lord sent Nathan to David, telling David a story, about a rich man taken a poor man's one and only lamb, Nathan said since David behave like this, the sword shall never depart from his house. David is going to pay for his own doing.

Once there was an Elder of a mission station, he was promoted and then went to serve in another mission station far far away from his hometown, and lo, there he happily served the new master. One day, he has this strange thinking, why not start another mission in this mission station, Strange, another mission in a mission station? Bone in a bone, fresh in a fresh? So he went to change the name of the mission station into another name, putting the word "life" into it, seeing this was right. And he invited friends from the foreign country to preach in the station, but those friends came all the way up to attack that station members, so many were disturbed. 

Later, after some turning, and stopping for good, this station split into 2 stations, a bone became 2 bones, one big one small, not so balanced, the leader of the new station like to draw attention from the old one, by giving money and good food, so they became bigger, the old station became smaller in size, so this happens to be true. How can this happen? This is not right, how can you start another station in a station, you betray your HQ who had trusted and hired you in the beginning, you should start your own mission and start your own mission station, how can you split the station into two stations, and the new mission station continue to disturb and attack the old mission station? Unjust? But they have to admit, the people in the world like to do this, it is normal.

Lately, the mission station who like to attack and disturb others, his HQ suffered big loses, some of their mission stations closed shop, one in Selayang, one in Kuantan, one in Kuching, one in Malacca, and Saipan and plus one young preacher recuperating from sickness. His HQ is facing split and troubles, so many more young stations under his company are under pressure, some preachers will become  victims, now they are punishing young worker under them, those workers which cannot work under this kind of tension, they are chasing away, this is what they said, quoting the scripture, "Since you do not work, you cannot eat, the price of rice is very expensive now." One old worker resigned, and he told me, "Our boss wanted the horses running, but do not let the houses eat any grass, it is impossible." The inner struggle continues until today, they are paying for what they had done, more than 4 times. 

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