Friday, February 27, 2009

A serious joke

If Dr Martin Luther the German, the 16th century reformer came to Singapore last year, 2008, pity to him, why I say like this, what happened to him if he came, he will received some warning letters from these people in FEBC, entitled "drawing snake with legs in Singapore", these are DoctorS of Theology, DoctorS of Philosophy, DoctorS of Ministry and some MBBS people, and they all will sue Dr Martin Luther in the High Court, for preaching and encouraging people to believe in an imperfect Bible other than KJV!

Dr Martin Luther said the New Testament writer omited some Word, he said this in his preaching, if convicted..So..Dr Martin Luther will be jailed at the Changi prison, you better go and visit him this 2009!

If John Calvin the France, came, he will be locked up at Changi Airport, for eating too much eggs, and drinking too much wine...If Charles Spurgeon, the British, came, he too will be caned 40 plus one...mainly because both of them were joining the new school, preaching with the imperfect bible....pity...sorry for them...

Wong Ming Tao will not come to Singapore, he will go to hide out with Billy Graham in Hujung Padang in Indonesia. He did not believe in VPP either, read his view in his books...And many more people will be crucified up side down like St Peter, because of denying the VPP...bloody days in Christianity...Who else ... will escape from the jails and court order last years, if they came to Singapore?

If Dean Bur_gun came, what will happened to him last year? another scenery, red carpet will be laid from Changi airport up to Changi prison, and from the door of the prison, another layer, double layer of the red carpet will be laid, to Bikut Timah, and then from the top of the Bukit Timah, the red carpet must be laid too, down to PIE highway, and then the traffic police will lead all the way up to Bukit Timah, PIE, and with the Red Carpet laid, down to the FEBC, the high priest will sacrifice bulls, lambs, OX along the ways...and then parading to RELC, up to the presidential Hotel room. This is the old school class mate party time.

you know this is..
This is a very serious....joke!
I like to tell jokes, I am a joker playing cards.
I am a clown who like to entertain myself,
Forgive me, if you know I am weak..

Please do not put me to task, I do not have gut, that is why I put a Koala Bear, to represent me, and this blog is only my personal view, you may refuse my view, nothing wrong, I am not be 100% honest 100% right, go and search the Bible yourselves. See I am joking or not.

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