Thursday, May 7, 2009

Another prayer for the country

Almighty God heavenly Father, may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, may God intervene and prepare the country, and God rise up the people, may Your Spirit come and work in the people heart, and may God bless the kings, and even the people are freed from corruptions and evils, God please see the people through, and the witch crafts and the witches were bound, and free the people from bondage of great and small evil, may God hear the cries from the country, and the land in pain, arise, make haste, free the land and it's in habitation from the danger of terrorism and murders, may God change the evil of greed and racism in this country, may God sent Your angels to fight the devils, and let the voice of justice prevailed, and continue to prevail, may God gave wisdom and knowledge to the kings, the people, and the politicians, so that they rule the kingdom with fair and justice, Lord, here is my prayer in this, may Your light shine upon the darkness, let darkness passed away, and let new light comes, and shine on these countries which are lost in greed and power struggles, and there is light at the end of these wars, and there is life after deaths, and God bless us, In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

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