Thursday, June 18, 2009

North Korea and Palestine

North Korea is an independent country and she is making atomic and nuclear weapons, she is making them for the end of the world, for the coming wars are great, and they are free to go to space and go into the sea, because God is oversee them, and they will be made stronger for the coming of Adonai. Hallelujah, Adonai is merciful forever!

And the Palestine must be protected, they must be given a piece of land, co habit with Jerusalem, and then the people will live in peace for a time. The Israelites do not give them a piece of land, and the Israelites are making problems for themselves, so, I called onto Adonai, God, please give a good piece of the futile land for the Palestine's people, they must be respected. Because their cries had risen to Adonai. Since the Israelites delay, and do not cooperate with UK and USA, and do not give them the land, there is a fear from the sea, to come and make the Israelitea to be in fear, make way for them to obey Adonai. Even until they make agreement with the Palestines. Three days and a half they will lived in peace! Hallelujah!

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