Friday, July 10, 2009

Letter to the elder and the captives

The churches in different denominations said THIS to the servant of God, the church does not belong to man, but to God. In this they oppressed the servant of God, and the voices of the poor servant of God has gone up the sky. Money is taken the church in captive, the Babylonian invaded the churches!

They had made the servants of God becoming a slave for the elders, and they paid their service to the Lord, like paying a maid servant, time is come to the elders, He is knocking, and the elders are going to open the door! And they will see themselves in the mirror, blessed is the elder who will be come a servant of the Lord.

And there is people around that mingle truths with false! Even so beware for what you the elder who have taught the babes and the young sheep in Christ in all these Churches, the Lord is coming back to see your work. He is looking for the faithful servants of God, and then he will reward them.

Do not asked me, how much money in your pocket? You think He is coming back to look for a bank with gold bars? A big church building, a bigger car? A better out fit? You do not care for the poor, and you do not give water to the thirsty men and women, and that is accountable, and the prisons are full with hopeless eyes, you still wanted to run the world without hopes? And you are competing for rewards on earth?

You think He is coming back to look for a man with purple robes, and this man bullying men with his authority? i have told you beforehand, and when things happened, you know where you can look for God, His Name, is Adonai the Messiah! You know God is a God of revenge, He is light, and let Him shine upon the people who oppressed us! Let us died with the mark of the cross, the cross is our crowns! You think He is coming back to look for a man with KJV Only? You think He is asking you to read the Bible without understand the time, what is the time now? Are we called to quarrel for a few Bible versions? No!

No, He is coming back to look for His sheep, and even His lost sheeps. Are you one of His sheeps? Are you like Peter, whom Jesus said to him to feed His lamb, to feed His sheeps? Are you not aware of the teachings you taught in the school?

In the Bible, why Job curse his birthday!

Job 2: 9 His wife said to him, "Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!"
Job 3:1 After this, Job opened his mouth and cursed the day of his birth.

Did the wife laugh at him, “Happy birth? darling, sweet heart?” And they cut the cake and eat it? Were they not living in poverty for sometime? And why there is among us who is crying and no one came for help, and the world is merry and enjoying life. And end will come like a thief! God will rise up another entertainer for you! But are you want to make him to be a idol? You asked me how much I treasure friendship in Christ, theologians answered me, "There is no friendship in Christ accept the friendship in KJV!" When I heard this I mourned! How much a silver dime can buy you? Did you know money cannot bring you a friendship in Christ, not even a brother in Christ you can pay for his life, but Christ paid for them a ransom! Betray you a man who called onto the Lord?

I had sung all the Hebrew 150 psalms for a few months, and then God heard my prayer, the Shunamy came, and this time I am going to sing these Hebrew songs again, and the enemes said I am crazy when they heard me sung the psalms in Hebrew, I will call onto the Lord, until He hear my voices in the nights, my Lord, how long, you will then return?

May the Lord shine His face onto us.

Psalm 94

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