Monday, September 17, 2018

James chapter 5 with VPP

James 5:1, Unsaved rich men, who do not put their trust in God, there are troubles ahead! Repent! They have mistreated the poor! And they can smile and be merry, and they continue to collect money and tolls from the poor to put into their pocket, they are greedy, and they are the kings and leaders on earth, God’s judgment will fall on each one of them. For where your treasure is, there will be your heart. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? Look, where is justice in our society? Even some believers, said there is no justice on earth, so do not look for this justice on earth! Not even in the church. They said do not cry for or pray for justice, keep quiet, and suffer and serve the Lord! Are the Christians not called to show the poor what is God’s love? Is there any misery among the poor? But we show favoritism!

Discrimination! We lived in luxury! We have fattened our heart with money and food! Did we know that the glory of God had left us long before after we covet money more than suffering for the Lord! We cannot serve two masters! We have condemned and murdered innocent men, who were not opposing us! We have all stumble in many ways! Richness is not a merry making thing! James denounces utter destruction to the wicked and profane rich men, and such as is drowned in their riotousness, mocking their foolish confidence when there is nothing indeed vainer than such things. 5:4, but the Lord of Sabaoth, God see the injustice! 5:7, we who put our trust in the Lord, if we are living under the wicked men, we must patiently wait for the Lord, wait and pray until He come to help us, like a farmer waiting and waiting until the harvest. Do not be double minded! Be single minded! Why we judge the poor and the weak among us? Every one of us is living like a vapor! Gone like a wind, like a grass wither. Do not live like a viper! 5:9, The Lord is coming soon, He is at the door, and there is judgment ahead! Why in the time of prayer and waiting for His return, we Bible Presbyterian Church quarrel and fight among ourselves? We are waiting for Him like the ten virgin. Mt 25:1, then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. Mt 25:2, and five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Mt 25:3, they that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: Do not be a fool virgin! We must prepare “oil,” what is that word “oil” mean? We can argue with anyone about the word “oil,” we may argue about the purity of the oil, we can argue with any one what type of this oil is, olive oil, animal oil, palm oil, grape seed oil, and so on, and we can argue about the meaning of the word “oil” until no end, and then split our fellowship, we profit no one, unless I wanted to open an oil company, so much so I have to study only this word “oil” no other word! But the church need to know what is the whole picture of this parable given to us? And at last, what happened, if we continue to argue and fight over the word “oil,” we do not know the meaning of the whole parable of 10 virgins, forgot how to wait upon the Lord for his returning is imminent, we must know the meaning of the word, “oil” “bridegroom,” “fool,” “wise……..” Do not just argue without end about the word “oil,” you also must understand the whole picture. Why the virgin must prepare “oil.” It is because they need light! The lamp is for the light, not just oil. Why they need light, because it is in darkness night the Lord will returned! Application is Christian is to be light of this darkness world and be prepared to meet our God. See what the fool virgins had said in Matthew 25:8 “And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.” This shows the consternation of those who are not ready to meet Christ at his coming. It is not safe to rely on outward professions as evidence of piety, nor upon any thing which does not imply supreme love to God and real good-will to men. All had made some preparation, but that of the foolish five had been insufficient. Their glory began to depart, and their light waned into darkness at the approach of the bridegroom. The parable of the ten virgin is to remind us to be prepared for the coming of the Lord, it does not encourage us to fight over a few words! Hear what the Lord declared in Matthew 4:4, But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Not just a few words here and there in Psalm 12:1-7. This psalm also must be studied correctly. Do not just study only these few words here and there in Westminster Confession! Westminster Confession is not God’s Word; you should not take this Westminster Confession highly until to be same level with CUV, KJV, and NKJV! Westminster Confession is a good confession, but it is not God’s Word! This is a very serious mistake done, in making the confession as God’s Word! The Bible is without errors, in the first hand writing, in the original languages in their autograph, those copy mistakes we find are not the errors, they are the copies mistakes made by human when they were copying the scriptures! The Bible is authentically preserved to us, so that we can firmly lift up our Bible and say, “I believe in God, and also believe the Bible is sacred, and the Bible is without error, and in the Bible I come to believe the Lord Jesus. May God forgive those who had done the copy mistakes unintentionally, Amen.” But the theologians who taught VPP have misinterpreted Matthew 4:4! And here we are fighting over the meaning a few “words” and “a personal view,” quoting the Psalm 12 and Westminster Confession. And we fight until the BPC congregation split because of our tongue and wisdom! We needed the wisdom from above. All these arguments are going to pass away. (Matthew 7:1) God’s Word will not pass away! Those endure to the end will be saved. The Lord Jesus said no just a few words we have to study, but every word! The whole picture is more important than these few verses. We want all of the Bible verses to be understood, not just one or two, here and there! But we must try to understand the truth in totality, preach the whole counsel of God, especially those crucial doctrines! Who is he, and he said this words, Acts 20:27 for I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. What is this whole counsel of God? It means here the will or purpose of God, as revealed in regard to the salvation of men. Paul had made a full statement of that plan--of the guilt of men, of the claims of the law, of the need of a Savior, of the provisions of mercy, and of the state of future rewards and punishments. Ministers ought to declare all that counsel, because God commands it; because it is needful for the salvation of men; and because the message is not theirs, but God's, and they have no right to change, to disguise, or to withhold it. And if it is the duty of ministers to declare that counsel, it is the duty of a people to listen to it with respect and candour, and with a desire to know the truth, and to be saved by it. Declaring the counsel of God will do no good, unless it is received into honest and humble hearts, and with a disposition to know what God has revealed for salvation. The doctrine of the apostles is most perfect and absolute. Do you see, CUV and NKJV have all the counsel of God? How can you say they are corrupted! 5:10, James said rather learn to be persevered the suffering, be patient, some of the prophets were killed. 5:11, in the trials and difficulties, faith is increased, His grace is sufficient for us, until the day of the Lord. 5:12 do not swear falsely! (Matthew 5:33-37) Do not use God’s name in swearing for a personal view! (Exodus 20:7) We will be judged strictly. Do not boast about your earthly wisdom! If yes say yes, of no say no. Do not be many masters. Let others to be our master! 5:14, Praying by faith, it is God, who heals! 5:15, Historical evidence confirms the facts that God does heal people miraculously, but Paul was praying for his healing, but sometimes it is not God’s will to heal Paul. Healing is not promise to everyone, we only can say “if God is willing.” And Timothy was advice to drink some wine. And sometimes, oil was applied on the wound for the Samaritan. The medical science in 21st century is good enough; do we need prayer, oil and wine? Think about this with clear mind. Yahweh-Rapha. 5:16, confessing our sin has good therapeutic potential. The prodigal son confesses: I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father; I have sinned against heaven, and before thee. 5:17, Elijah prayed, 3 years there will be no rain! A sign to encourage us to continue in prayer. Nothing lies beyond the power of God to change, and prayer is the divinely ordained method. Even Jesus Christ prayed, and he said, “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. 5:19, there are brothers, wander from the truth, these are those who fall in errors and sins. Heals the sick and also leads those who are broken hearted, those who are falling, those who are cold hearted, we must lead them back to one hold, this is our responsibility, and then they will be saved from condemnation. 

Jesus Christ is not missing in CUV! Not missing in NIV! Not missing in NKJV! Not missing in TEV. 

Jesus Christ is mentioned in all these Bible Version!

How come you attack those who read the NIV and NKJV?

Someone among us has slipped into an error VPP, in daily life or doctrine; we are called to restoring those brothers to the truth. 5:20, if we can love one another, we can avoid quarrels, avoid further trials and temptations! May God bless us, so that we may not become like “Only talk no walk!” 

Assignment: 10 pages:

1.What is the meaning “every word” 
2.What is the meaning “full counsel” 
3.Pray without end! 
4.CUV, KJV, NKJV, and the whole counsel of God. 
5.Talk and walk of a Christian

BPC is a reformed church, but sad to say some of their pastors are not transform by the grace of God!

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