Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The lights are switched off...

There is another great evil under the heaven, and this time the Charismatics pastors, and I see them. May God help us.

The Charismatic pastors were united to fight the fundamentalist, even thought they say publicly, they are Christian like the fundamentalist, because, innerly, on the other hand, they felt the fundamentalists who practise the Separatist stand is actually a cult.

So they had many devices and plans to attack the fundamentalists. One day they send a pastor to invite the fundamentalist to serve in a ministry. The fundamentalist joined them, after many invitations, but the Charismatics dislike the fundamentalist, actually they are playing a fool on him. Let me tell you how they play the fool, time frame is a year.

One night, the fundamentalist was invited for the first committee meeting, to discuss the work in that ministry. The Charismatics pastor invited all the committee members together at his church. That night, he purposely turned off all the lights in front of his church, like others, the fundamentalist parked his car in front the church.

After the meeting, the fundamentalist went home, but the car manoeuvre in a strange way, the front wheels are not align, the car keep running to the the right, the fundamentalist spent some money to repair his car. He still does not know what happened to his car.

After few months, at the next committee meeting, the fundamentalist find the same thing happened to his car. he had to repair his car again. So he felt something is wrong. Few weeks after that meeting, he drove his car to the Charismatics Church to see the surrounding, and he saw that all the lights were switched on. All those meeting he joined, all the lights were off, the place he parked his car, was no light at all, but all the while, there were lights. Daily, they switch them on at night. They purposely switched off the light when the fundamentalist came to the church! Why? What they were doing to his car?

The fundamentalist continue to serve with the Charismatics pastors, every time, the committee meeting, he parked his car in front the Charismatic Church, the parking place was very dark. Few days later, he had to repair his car again, something is fishy, he started to realise, he was played a fool by the Charismatics pastors and his committee. He was very sad, but he persevered, until 5th times he repaired his car. At last the fundamentalist, stopped from going to serve in that ministry, since then his car has no those problems any longer. The fundamentalist saved more money, rather than repairing his car, now he has more money to buy food for his children. Why border with those charismatics pastors and their ministry.

Almighty God, the heavenly father, so many Charismatics pastors on earth, most of the time, they will not say they dislike the fundamentalist, in in front of the fundamentalist. But they will tell the fundamentalist in another way, such a cruel and inhuman way.

If you are a charismatic pastor, why you treated the fundamentalist like that, you may have your reason, what they had done to you, until they force you to react like that to them? The war is in Christianity, this is such an evil, I haven't seen on earth before. Christianity has a long way to go, before they can live in peace with one another! Only God can answer us, when it is, when we can sit together in peace, maybe, when we meet Him in heaven.

Let God speak to the Charismatics....

What about the fundamentalist?
The fundamentalist is fighting among themselves over a Bible!
First, The King James Version. They thought they can be at peace. No!
But what happened to KJV readers?
The KJV reader figth with the KJV readers, silly, over a few mistake in the translation. Hair split, church split!
There come, the heroes, and the enemies, over the Verbal Plenary Preservation,
with the banner of "VPP," they invade the Bible Presbyterian Churches,
Fight, over a few perfect TR, fight, over a few better MSS,
Fight, fight, fight, until split! This too, not enough! Fight, again,
KJV cannot unites the fundamentalist! :(

The KJV readers fight, their theologians said, "on," the pastors said "on," the elders said, "on..." together they said, "FIGHT IS RIGHT..." fight...
Then, this KJV is not enough in the fighting,
one Bible, is not enough, for the fighting, to continue, they need more players,
The next Bible, get involved is the NIV,
The KJV readers are fighting with the NIV readers over a few missing words.
Fight, fight, fight...no end,
After this fight, this is too, not end yet,
The KJV readers fight again, fight, fight, fight, every day, the fighting is on,
Next, the CUV is involved, no end...consuming...
The CUV readers are fighting with the KJV readers over a few clauses in the Church constitution. They split...fighting is on, fight,
This fighting becomes bigger and bigger, fight, fight, fight some more, some more,
so the KJV readers continue to fight,
next, the ESV also involved into the fight,
The ESV readers are fighting with the KJV reader over a few mistakes in the translation.

The fighting is never end,
even in the circle of fundamentalism.

One Bible cannot unite the fundamentalist, KJV failed to unite them,
Two Bibles also cannot unite the fundamentalist, NIV also failed to unite them,
Three Bibles also cannot unite the fundamentalist, CUV too failed to unite them
Four Bibles also cannot unite the fundamentalist..NKJV also failed to unite them,
How many Bible do we need to unite the fundamentalist?
Ask the KJV readers, which Bible can unite the fundamentalist? None!
The fundamentalist have an interior complexity like me, they had the VPP problem.
Figting cannot unite the fundamentalist! Agree?
They thought no one see and hear the fighting over the Bible, in their house,..since they had turned the light off... but we heard and see it loud and clear!

How many times we need to repair our car, until we broke?
How many times we have to repair our relationship with God?
How many times we have to tell ourselves, too many fighting is not good!

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