Sunday, August 30, 2009

Alzheimer’s disease and VPP

On the 20th April 2009, Rev (Dr) Timothy Tow passed away. A three-evening memorial service was held in Calvary Pandan B-P Church.

During the first evening, Dr. S H Tow shared with the attendees of the memorial service the life of his great brother (Rev. Timothy Tow). Dr. S H Tow made a very significant and revealing statement about his brother having been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2006. Based upon the medical condition of Rev. (Dr.) Timothy Tow, one can, with very good reasons, excuse Rev Timothy Tow for allegedly advocating the error of VPP. Dr. S.H. Tow[1] was one of the leading medical doctors during the time when he was a practicing physician. His opinion regarding senile dementia is thus trust worthy.

Living long carries tremendous problems. One of them being given prominence in the press is the senile dementia, Alzheimer’s disease. So better you live well than you live long. How can you live well? Answer, live in the Lord Jesus Christ, in Him only there’s peace.

My brother has been suffering from the disease called Alzheimer’s. It was diagnosed only about 3 years ago. But this disease has a very long history. And, oftentimes we do not detect it. My late step-mother had it [for] at least 10 years; the same could have been[said] for Rev. Tow.

They start off with the mental limitations, that is the first sign. Then, they imagine things; they talk things that are not quite right. I detected this when my brother came to Vancouver in the year 2000. But now he is free from all this, how good! Absent from the body but present with the Lord.

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