Wednesday, August 12, 2009


My politicians are human, and one of the politicians I know, he is a Chinese, speaking half pass six English like me, and some times he used to speak half boiled Chinese with a childish essence like me!

And there he went up to the stage to tame the Christian pastors and leaders with his political agenda, after that he came out giving a few mock cheques, he was not a Christian, but he talked about religions to pastors, he talked about God to pastors, he talked about everything, and I know he wanted to silent our theological sound mind with his political oratory empty promises, empty human voice, I was so surprised when he said he thanked God for this and that.

And there the leaders of the congregations were given a taste of the local political dishes, and the pastors and leaders are getting drunk, not with beer, but with politic power given to them, the politicians shaking hands with the pastors, the politicians thought that the church endorsed them in their corruptions. The politicians are so happy when the church invited them for speech in the churches! The politicians wanting to silent the churches again with mocked promises!

I see this again, and again! they are following the politicians, like the way they are following the Lord, obeying the politicians. They said obedient is a blessing! I do not see these corruptions bring us any good! It bring us temporary unity, temporary success, we have to bail out the politicians one day?

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