Saturday, October 17, 2009

Good Works

The terrorists are under covered with good works, they will open orphanages, prison visiting, social clubs, purposely helping this and that man! But they are doing greater evils behind all these good works, this is the end time, do not be so naive with good works! Black money is used here and there!

They are living secretly, they are like the special secret agents, they like to twist their words and life, so that no one may find them out, but they had the kind of of mentality, that they are taking order from the senior above for the good of the rest of the people, to kill and murder, and they just obey them without conscience and pure heart! You can see, that they lived a double standard life, some time, you know them, you just know them by the way they lived and talked! They had that pride in uniforms! They cannot get rid of from their face!

Like the Special secret agents, they the terrorists are well trained to search and destroy their enemies, and they will search your rubbish bags to find some clues from the rubbish you throw, they will hear from you in the wall and roof, and they are well trained to stay over nights in the bushes without any traces to spy on you, they are indeed clever, but they are just an organ, just a living instrument, they are an agent for some one, and they will receive payment secretly, and they have mission to do on earth, to search, destroy and kill!

The good armies are to search and kill these terrorist, go and do this, the Lord is with you! Prepared for wars in the end! Against the terrorists, since they do not love peace on earth, they bombed places here and there, so do this on to them without any mercy what so ever to protect the earth for a moment!

Lord, have mercy on us! There is greater war, the spiritual warfare.

And in some rural places, these special agents, from the special branch too, are becoming the terrorist under covered with good works, to protect some families, some high authorities! We do not know who actually they are they protecting in the public. Actually Satan is at work in all the killings and murdering, Satan is a murderer even from the beginning!

Bible gave us some clues about these high principalities, they are called the devils, demons, and the head of them is Satan, I had met some of them along my life in this earth, they are living creatures! Evil spirit is a secret agent for Satan, they come to search and destroy the believers, what the Bible says about Satan, it is said, it comes to kill, murder, lying and destroy! It is true!

Now, then, I pursue the theologians who are teaching the Verbal Plenary Preservation, to stop to search and destroy!

Stop to search the Bible, if they are doing that to destroy the unity in BP churches! If they search the Bible, but then they destroy the unity in fundamental churches like BP, they are actually worsen then the special agents I mentioned, I am talking without hates, but with concerns!

If you are concerned, for the remnant of the fundamentalism to proceed ahead, please have mercy, do not search and destroy the fundamentalists.

I hope you search the Bible to build up the holy faith in Christ, I am not talking about perfect faith, I am talking about the most holy faith!

Theologians! What have you done to the churches in the end time! Do you search the Bible and destroy the churches!

I know what have you done last summer, what about this summer?

See the cloud in the air, now you see it, then you will not see it, take heed that you do not behave like the secret agents, you must have good manners!

You are called to protect the flocks! Not to destroy them!

With that, you even used a piece of your verbal plenary preservation! You destroy the flocks, especially the Chinese flock, I am crying with tears in writing this, looking back, where John Sung had labor with his own life! To save soul with gospel, he came to South East Asia decades ago, to feed your forefathers with his Bible, the Chinese Union Version, You are guilty! You are guilty! Now you have chased away, the Chinese pastors among you, you are going to meet John Sung, and he will say something about this to you!

You are so forgetful, you forget how the scribes met Jesus Christ to trace some weakness from Him, but Jesus ignored further theological debates, Jesus went forward to Calvary without delay! On the cross, He says it is finished! You forget He said that, it is finished on the cross! The atonement had been made once and for all, but you forget that, you search the manuscripts, hoping to find the perfect TR, you search the TR hoping you will find the perfect versions, but all this is in vain.

What is the greatest commission for us on earth?

Are we making disciples for Christ, or making more and more secret agents, or making more and more terrorists in the end time!

Teach them about what?
Baptist them in the name of who?

I pursue you, to search the Bible and build up the holy faith in Christ!

Stop disturbing the unity in Christ, where John Sung preached once!

Lord, unite the people of Han, if they belong to You!

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