Saturday, October 10, 2009

Something is wrong

I went on and on, to heal this "something wrong with me" with herbs, medicines, books, sermon, friendship...many other ways.

Year in year out, sun goes up, sun goes down. At last there is one, from the Word of God that to heal depression, "In everything give thanks!"

In everything, every moment, every one, every book, every people, every place, every star, every computer, every life, every Bible version, every Bible verse, every Bible chapter, give thanks for every Bible word, give thanks for every letter in the Bible!

I started to forget Verbal Plenary Preservation for few days!

These few days, the world is in calamities. Ventured into the end time calamities, dead is here and there on earth!

From the air, sea, and lands. Is there is one more calamity to come ahead, from the far outer space. Then what will happen to this world? How many life will gone? I am not ready yet for that! I do not know what is that great calamity from the space, it is a star fallen down?

Look at this world, is there any thing wrong with us? Or nothing wrong with us?

Why the the wind, sea, land reacted in this way?

Where is God? What is wrong?

Is it because we do not have the perfect Bible?

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