Tuesday, January 24, 2017

I am a fundamentalist, preaching the truth in love!

I preached the five fundamental tenets of the Christian faith:

1.The verbal inerrancy of Scripture, 
2.the divinity of Jesus Christ, 
3.the virgin birth, 
4.the substitutionary atonement, 
5.the physical resurrection and bodily return of Christ.

I was born as a fundamentalist, but a different fundamentalist, preaching Christ, I must preach the truth in love! 

Dr. Martyn Llyod-Jones said, "To me the work of preaching is the highest and the greatest and the most glorious calling to which anyone can ever be called."

Sometimes I pray in an unknown tongue, but don't call me as a cult!

Sometimes I have tea with Anglicans, don't call me as a Neo_Evangelical.

Sometimes I see love and truth must come together, don't call me as a modernist!

Do not call people any how names, because you are becoming a judge!

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