Tuesday, January 24, 2017


The Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC) is one of the oldest Bible colleges in Singapore, founded in 1962 by the late Rev Dr Timothy Tow, who also founded the Bible-Presbyterian Church movement in Southeast Asia.

Out of 500-600 of those who had graduated from Far Eastern Bible College, only 10%-20% of these graduates became pastors in Bible Presbyterian pastors or church workers, 80%-90% of these graduates went out to serve in other denominations, para churches or continue their study oversea. They did not stay in Bible Presbyterian Churches nor continue their study in Far Eastern Bible College.

This means about 80%-90% of all those who had graduated did not agreed with what they had learned in Far Eastern Bible College, nor they become pastor in Bible Presbyterian Churches! 80%-90% of the graduates did not accept the stand of Far Eastern Bible College nor the Bible Presbyterian Church movement!

You know what these Bible Presbyterian Churches like to say to these fresh graduates, if you do not like Bible Presbyterian movement, just leave us alone! No wonder! The Bible Presbyterian Church movement did not prosper like the Charismatic movement!


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