Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A kiss! A curse! A swear!

In the end of the Jesus story on his earthly life as a man, there were two persons, they caught my attentions!

Judas betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, a kiss is a symbol of love! Care, intimate relationship, in kissing the Lord, he was actually betraying his Master! (Mark 14:45)

Is Peter any better than Judas? Peter denied Jesus Christ with curses and swears! Cursing is a symbol of death, swearing is a symbol of truth. (Mark 14:71) In cursing, he was swearing, or taking an oath, does not mean Peter loves his Master at that moment, but rather he disowned his Master!

Kissing our Bible does not mean we love the Bible! Swearing the Dean Burgon Oath does not mean we love the Bible! Think carefully, what are you doing, when you are kissing the Bible and swearing to the Lord!

Those theologians who are saying that they are defending the Bible, actually do not do any good to the Body of Christ, see how they chased away a Chinese pastor and the Chinese congregation because of different opinion about Chinese Bible Version, the CUV!

The theologians said they are defending the perfect Bible, they said the perfect Bible is found in the Hebrew and Greek Text, the underlying text where the KJV Bible was translated from! Does this mean they love the Bible more than us, more than other, more than the Chinese Bible reader! Are they founded this theory presently, far far away from the KJV translators in 1611! None of the KJV translators claimed they had found the perfect Bible, not even they claimed they had found the perfect Bible in Greek and Hebrew, nor any one of them claimed any one TR is perfect, kept pure in all ages, means kept holy for all ages!

Sacred Words!

Those theologians and their followers who took the Dean Burgon Oath, do not do any good to the congregations! See how many Bible colleges in the world are taking this oath? A few? We who do not endorse Dean Burgon oath, are we not believe in an inerrant Bible?

In fact we believe in a inerrant Bible, translated in KJV, CUV, NIV, NKJV, ESV...! We are honest in telling that these Bible translations are not perfect!

We believe God may preserve every Words given to mankind in the original language, the Greek and Hebrew Bibles, they are preserved for us! We must thank God for the Bible! We do not want to tell God how to print that perfect Bible! When to print that Bible, where to print that Bible, this is not humble, this is a pride, a kiss is not a kiss, if it is a kiss of betrayal, a swear is not a swear at all, if you try to put your finger into heaven, where the place God dwelt!

The Bible is the Word of God! The 5000 manuscripts are a witness for the death and resurrection of Christ, other than that I do not know anything, accept Christ died for us! He crucified for us. If we do not believe in resurrection of Christ, we believe in vain! Resurrection and death of Christ is more important than Verbal Plenary Preservation.

God had preserved those 5000 manuscripts for us, and by this I stand, I believe, I preach, that the Bible is the Word of God Almighty!

Verbal Plenary Preservation is like a kiss, dearest kiss to the face of the Lord Jesus Christ! I hope you know what Jesus felt at that moment, when He was kissed by Judas, He asked Judas, "Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss." (Luke 22:48).

You kiss, you curse, you swear....what are doing to the Son of man?

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