Monday, September 14, 2009

Do you love the children of God?

Today, the Lord is still asking the theologians this same question, He asked 2000 years ago to Peter, three times He asked him at the lake side! With breakfast, burning fish, 153 fishes caught.

Theologians, if you love the young children, you should have taught them that KJV and CUV is the Word of God, the Holy Bible, kept holy, kept pure for all ages!

If we are reading the KJV and CUV, if we find any uncertainty in their wordings! These uncertainties are the surface things! It is normal!

As a layman, or a Bible teacher, he or she should refer to the Greek and Hebrew of the Bible! These are the deeper things, this is second level of the depth, second level of the truth! These some called the underlying texts of the KJV and CUV. Usually most of the problems can be solved when we refer to these Greek and Hebrew texts, most uncertainties are minor problems!

If in these Greek and Hebrew Texts, the Bible teachers or the layman, in some uncertainties, or the pastor cannot find any meanings for the words in KJV and CUV, he or she may refer to the Bible commentaries, he or she may do a word study!

If in this next deeper stage, the uncertainties are not explained, he or she must pray to God for wisdom! And let God teach us the meaning of the words!

Finally, you have to explain the Bible! The Lord then asked you this question at last, when you are teaching the students "Do you love the children of God?"

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