Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Read the Bible

The longer we are living with the terrorists, we will be influenced by these terrorists, day in day out, they will tried to changed us, mould us, interfere our mind and living!

We have to stop thier invasion, we have to do something, we have to fight over their ideology, we have to prevent them to influence our heart and life!

The only way so far I find to fight over them is by reading my Bible daily! I had been living with terrorist for so many years, I smelled them, coming forwards, invading the homeland! No, we must not let lose this hell bunker, we must stand fast in our faith, love and hope!

My dear reader, the longer we are living with terrorists, the longer we have to read the Bible! meditate in the Holy Word of God, where we may find assurance in this end time, and then I write here for those who are seeking peace, you may found peace in prayers to God, mercy is giving to them who are merciful, and grace in given to those who are calling onto the Messiah!

Remember, the longer you read and meditate on the Holy Word of God, the longer we will live in peace!


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