Friday, September 11, 2009

Many deaths in the calamities

Why God allowed those deaths in all these calamities?

We have to answer ourselves, the answer is "God wanted to destroy the world."

Why God wanted to destroy this world, the earth?

The answer is: because we are too aggressive toward one another!

God finally have decided to end the world in calamities!

On that great days many will come to say, "God, God, God, I know You!"

But God will say to them, "Go away, I do not know you."

God will not punish you because you do not have a perfect Bible, God will not judge you according to Verbal Plenary Preservation, God is not like a man, His judgment is just, God will not delay in His time. God will judge you according to your deeds! Faith without works is death!

Christians without good works are death full men and women!

"Verbal Plenary Preservation" is a false teaching, a prelude for the coming calamities, where Christianity is put under the bondage of the theologians. Where theologians misled the flocks, and leading them to an internal fighting, and this crack the unity in Christ. No, we must not being fooled into this unwanted doctrine! No, not this way, the end is not ended in a good term or a perfect Bible, but the end is a great war, between the good and the bad!

Take a stand, once and for all, that you are on the Lord's side, Jahweh our God, He is great almighty, mercy and compassion is from Him, He will judge the living and the deaths accordingly, no one can escaped His judgment! If you are sinful, you cannot claimed you are sinless! God does not respect a person, but He judge up rightly! He has no bias, for skin colors and religions.

God is a Person, God is not a mere teaching, God is not a mere doctrine, but God is more than all these! God allowed deaths, and God allowed some to be saved, and God allowed some to be fallen into eternal hell. God give mercy on to some, those God wanted to give mercy, and these are those who are crying for His return, whosoever call on to the name of Messiah, Jesus Christ, he will be saved. Amen.

Man is withering like grass! Now you see him, then you do not!

Why you worry for a time? In time like this we need a Savor, not a perfect Bible!

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