There are some good pastors in Bible Presbyterian churches, I knew many of them who are humble and full of the grace of God. Who speak the truth in love.
I also came to know many of those cruel, cold blood Bible Presbyterian pastors, from the way they speak and talk, they are behaving like a cold blood serpent, I knew they never read the Bible well enough! May be too busy, I forgive them, but I like to called them the cold blood pastors!
Why they are so cold blooded, because they like to be cruel to others, especially when they are defending the Bible and fundamentalism. In other word they are cold blood fundamentalist.
When they are defending this doctrine so called "fundamentalism," they become cold blooded, no humanity and humility in them! After they laid out their course apologetically in defending the Bible and fundamentalism, they become proud, seeing themselves as the only faithful and only fundamentalist in the last days, they see themselves as faithful as Paul and Peter the Apostles, they never admit they are lack of love, they did not know that they are hard head stiff necked cold blood pastors in the end! They are still going strong for their ways, only God may turn them away in the end!
For this reason I say, the Bible Presbyterians have to see that they are no better than others, short of grace of God. What is the fuss in pursuing that fundamentalism, at the end God reject them, because God do not know them, because they are cruel, cold blood, hard head, stiff necked, proud!
I am not against fundamentalism, but why these pastors acted in such a cruel and cold blood way in defending it, aren't all Christian are brothers?
Mat 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
When he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees. The two principal religious sects. The first originated in the time of the Maccabees, and were a kind of Jewish Puritans, but had in the Savior's time degenerated into a set of formalists, who paid far more attention to outward forms than to inner life. They were scrupulous in observing ceremonies, very orthodox, but were filled with spiritual pride. From an early period of Christ's ministry they opposed him. The other principal sect of the Jews, the Sadducees, derived their name from Sadduc, the founder of the sect; were irreligious, sensual and skeptical. They were materialists, and denied "angel, spirit, or the resurrection of the dead." Annas and Caiaphas, the high priests, were Sadducees.
Generation of vipers. The guilty, corrupted race had become a generation of vipers; not only poisoned, but poisonous, hateful to God, hating one another. The viper is hateful, full of hate, and dangerous.
Who hath warned you? Malachi (Mal_3:2; Mal_4:5) had predicted the wrath to come. John's question expresses doubt of their sincerity.
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