Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Why FEBC and some BP churches are heretics?

I have to explain again.

1. They say KJV Bible is a perfect Bible, inspired. Other Bible versions are satanic!

2. They say underlying Hebrew and Greek text of KJV Bible are perfect without error.

3. They say one TR is perfect without error. Others are erroneous.

Then what happened?

1. They are attacking brothers and sisters in Christ. They sued one another in civil courts.

2. They chased out pastors and ministers who do not agreed with them from FEBC and BP church.

3. They split BP churches in Singapore and oversea, creating confusion among Christian.


1. They see KJV Bible more important than the Living God. They reject the Bible commandment and disagree that we are one in Christ.

2. They see Bible version more important than the Cross and Jesus.

3. They do not have love, they criticize.


They are heretics.

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